Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Corporate Student Edition July 2011 ENG

Microsoft Windows  XP SP3 Corporate Student Edition July 2011 ENG | 700 MB
Windows XP SP3 Corporate Student Edition - the so-called "student" version of Windows XP, it is used for educational purposes only and therefore it is designed for multiple installations without further contact with Black-List Windows Genuine Advantage.
This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation and is the official validation of Microsoft. Integrated update June 2011. This assembly is not really rubbish left by courtesy of the developer with the addition of commonly used ...
Main features:
• Being tested for validity MS
• Does not require a key
• Patched TCP IP, themes
• Added driver DriverPacks BASE 10.06
• Added DriverPack Mass Storage 11.06

• Framework all in one 2.0 - 4.0
• Internet explorer 8
• Windows media player 11
• Directx 9 Runtimes 9.29.1974 April 2011
• Directx Managed Code 1.1.0
• Flash
• Shockwave
• Java 6 update 26
• Winrar 4.0.1 regged
• Lclock 1.62b
• c + + runtimes 2005 & 2008 & 2010
• Msn.Live.Messenger. web-setup on desktop
• Driverpacks base 10.06
• MassStorage 11.06 txt mode (sata + raid)
• Music Samples
• Windows Messenger 4.7
• Tour
Updates / fixes:
• SFC (windows File Protection) Disabled
• Numlock off default
• Classic control panel Enabled
• updated windows hotfixes till July 13th 2011
• updated Flash
System requirements:
"We recommend a computer with a clock speed of at least 300 MHz minimum allowable - 233 MHz *, recommended families of processors Intel Pentium / Celeron, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron or other compatible processors.
"Recommended RAM of at least 128 MB (minimum allowable - 64 MB, while performance and some features of the operating system may be restricted).
"1.5 GB of free hard disk space *.
"DirectX 9 graphics device with a WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher
"Video adapter and monitor Super VGA resolution of 800 X 600.
"CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
"Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

Advanced Password Recovery v1.3 - The Password Recovery Solution

Advanced Password Recovery v1.3 - The Password Recovery Solution | 1.67 MB
Advanced Password Recovery, is a solution to Manage the Windows Accounts, and Backup popular stored passwords
Remove and modify user passwords has never been easier
Manage the Windows Accounts
Change all user passwords
Remove all user passwords
Enable Logon Patcher
Generate with multi-options, radom strings / secure passwords
Encrypt / Decrypt any string or text with password
Recovery Messenger and Related / Windows and Office / Browsers
Wireless passwords / keys
Enable logon patcher:
This function enables the possibility to change password at logon
To use, enable feature, and press "Shift" five times, to the password manager appears
Another way, is to press the first button below on the left side, select the last option, and apply, the password manager opens also
*This is function is codded with security-codding feature, likely to corrupt the system are null
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows XP Family
Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2011 Family
* All Editions / Versions, including x64 systems
* Requires .NET Framework v3.5
Latest Changelog:
- Improved the all applicartion recovery and ran speed
- Added the Josh Cell Softwares Protection Platform
- Added some protections in the code
- Implemented the Memory Injection
- Added the help function
- Updated the GUI

Free USB Guard 0.7 Portable

Free USB Guard 0.7 Portable | 1.32 Mb
Free USB Guard is a simple tool that will alert you in case a flash drive or other external drives are attached to your system during the shutdown process. The shutdown process will be blocked allowing you to take out the flash drive.

"You can also be alerted if an external HDD remains attached: just open the menu and select the drive under the menu "monitor the presence of these drives".

McAfee AVERT Stinger Portable

McAfee AVERT Stinger Portable | 7.0 Mb
Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Stinger utilizes next generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.

This version of Stinger includes detection for all known variants including:
# BackDoor-ALI # BackDoor-AQJ # BackDoor-AQJ.b # BackDoor-CEB
# BackDoor-CEB!bat # BackDoor-CEB!hosts # BackDoor-CEB.b # BackDoor-CEB.c
# BackDoor-CEB.d # BackDoor-CEB.dll # BackDoor-CEB.dr # BackDoor-CEB.e
# BackDoor-CEB.f # BackDoor-CEB.sys # BackDoor-CFB # BackDoor-JZ
# BackDoor-JZ.dam # BackDoor-JZ.dr # BackDoor-JZ.gen # BackDoor-JZ.gen.b
# Bat/Mumu.worm # Downloader-DN.a # Downloader-DN.b # Exploit-DcomRpc
# Exploit-DcomRpc.b # Exploit-DcomRpc.dll # Exploit-Lsass # Exploit-Lsass.dll
# Exploit-MS04-011 # Exploit-MS04-011.gen # HideWindow # HideWindow.dll
# IPCScan # IRC/Flood.ap # IRC/Flood.ap.bat # IRC/Flood.ap.dr
# IRC/ # IRC/ # IRC/ # NTServiceLoader
# ProcKill # PWS-Narod # PWS-Narod.dll # PWS-Narod.gen
# PWS-Sincom # PWS-Sincom.dll # PWS-Sincom.dr # W32/Anig.worm
# W32/Anig.worm.dll # W32/Bagle # W32/Bagle!eml.gen # W32/Bagle!pwdzip
# W32/!src # W32/Bagle.dldr # W32/Bagle.dll.dr # W32/Bagle.eml
# W32/Bagle.fb!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fc!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fd!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fe!pwdzip
# W32/ # W32/Bagle.gen # W32/Bagle@MM!cpl # W32/Blaster.worm
# W32/Blaster.worm.k # W32/Bropia.worm # W32/Bugbear # W32/Bugbear.a.dam
# W32/Bugbear.b!data # W32/Bugbear.b.dam # W32/Bugbear.gen@MM # W32/Bugbear.h@MM
# W32/Bugbear@MM # W32/Deborm.worm.ah # W32/Doomjuice.worm # W32/Dumaru
# W32/ # W32/ # W32/Dumaru.dll # W32/Dumaru.eml
# W32/Dumaru.gen # W32/Dumaru.gen@MM # W32/Dumaru.w.gen # W32/Elkern.cav
# W32/Elkern.cav.c # W32/Elkern.cav.c.dam # W32/Fizzer # W32/Fizzer.dll
# W32/FunLove # W32/FunLove.apd # W32/Gaobot.worm # W32/Harwig.worm
# W32/IRCbot0 # W32/IRCbot.worm # W32/IRCbot.worm.dll # W32/Klez
# W32/Klez.dam # W32/Klez.eml # W32/Klez.gen.b@MM # W32/Klez.rar
# W32/Korgo.worm # W32/Lirva # W32/Lirva.c.htm # W32/Lirva.eml
# W32/Lirva.htm # W32/Lirva.txt # W32/Lovgate # W32/Mimail
# W32/Mimail.c@MM # W32/Mimail.c@MM # W32/Mimail.i!data # W32/Mimail.q@MM
# W32/MoFei.worm # W32/MoFei.worm.dr # W32/Mumu.b.worm # W32/Mydoom
# W32/Mydoom!bat # W32/Mydoom!ftp # W32/Mydoom.b!hosts # W32/Mydoom.dam
# W32/Mydoom.t.dll # W32/Mytob # W32/Mytob.gen@MM # W32/Mytob.worm
# W32/MyWife # W32/MyWife.dll # W32/MyWife@MM # W32/Nachi!tftpd
# W32/Nachi.worm # W32/Netsky # W32/ # W32/Nimda
# W32/Nimda.dam # W32/Nimda.eml # W32/Nimda.gen@MM # W32/Nimda.htm
# W32/Pate # W32/Pate!dam # W32/Pate.dam # W32/Pate.dr
# W32/Polip # W32/Polip!mem # W32/Polybot # W32/Polybot.bat
# W32/Sasser.worm # W32/Sasser.worm!ftp # W32/Sdbot # W32/Sdbot!irc
# W32/Sdbot.bat # W32/Sdbot.cli # W32/Sdbot.dll # W32/Sdbot.dr
# W32/Sdbot.worm # W32/Sdbot.worm!ftp # W32/Sdbot.worm.bat.b # W32/Sdbot.worm.dr
# W32/Sdbot.worm.gen # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.a # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.b # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.c
# W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.d # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.e # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.q # W32/Sober
# W32/Sober!data # W32/Sober.dam # W32/Sober.eml # W32/Sober.f.dam
# W32/Sober.g.dam # W32/Sober.q!spam # W32/Sober.r.dr # W32/Sober.r@MM
# W32/Sobig # W32/Sobig.dam # W32/Sobig.eml # W32/Sobig.f.dam
# W32/Sobig.gen@MM # W32/Spybot.worm # W32/SQLSlammer.worm # W32/Swen
# W32/Swen@MM # W32/Yaha.eml # W32/Yaha.gen@MM # W32/Yaha.y@MM
# W32/Yaha@MM # W32/Zafi # W32/Zafi.b.dam # W32/Zindos.worm
# W32/Zotob.worm # W32/Zotob.worm!host

Ashampoo HDD Control Multilingual 2.09 Portable

Ashampoo HDD Control Multilingual 2.09 Portable | 14.5 MB
Ashampoo HDD Control - software for monitoring the status of your hard drive. This involves the hard drive for you. To prevent potential failures and accidents before they happen. The software supports hard drives IDE and serial ATA. Ashampoo HDD Control provides the user with all the important facts and information about the drive, including registration number, the version of the BIOS (firmware), cache size, number of sections, which are divided into hard, disk space and current temperature.
If you are not near your computer, the program can be configured to notify you of the alert by email. The final report also provides information on health and performance of the hard disk, shown in percentages. Over time, a growing number of unwanted and unneeded files accumulate on your hard drive, and Ashampoo HDD Control is a useful tool to help you locate those and delete these files. If available space is not enough, the program can defragment your hard, with much better standard Windows-defragmenter.

Collection Programs Ashampoo (Updated 29.11.2011)

Collection Programs Ashampoo (Updated 29.11.2011) | 3.04 GB
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture - a professional design program.
Three-dimensional design, "intelligent" components, perfect two / three-dimensional plans, including cross sections and change the angle of view, export images of the virtual world, exact definition of the size of the project and even calculation of the amount of funds to be spent on implementation of the task.
Dow Extras. Information: Design family homes, shopping malls, tall buildings, or just flat-line, in a very realistic three-dimensional world. Types of angles and from different points of view are shifted synchronously, regardless of what mode you choose - the three-dimensional, two-dimensional slice or a cross-section. In this case, you get very accurate results, despite the simplicity of the program.
With the help of 2D-DXF / DWG import and export capabilities 2D DXF exchange exposure plans with other project members or clients presents no problems, regardless of the system. Additional option - include external 3DS, 3D-DXF and VRML 1 objects during planning. The ability to set objects using numerical reference points allows you to create unlimited and detailed design.

VSO Blu-ray Converter Ultimate Beta Multilingual

VSO Blu-ray Converter Ultimate Beta Multilingual | 20 Mb
Blu-ray Converter software can convert any Blu-ray video or AVCHD structure (from HD camcorder) to DVD video (with menu) or other video formats supported by most popular devices like PS3, XBOX360, DivX home player, iPod, iPhone, iPad-
After selecting your source, the software will analyze it using our discriminator technology to find the type of content it contains:
* only one main movie,
* movies with bonus content (like making of, directors comments-),
* multi-version movie (like short & long versions-),
* series type (where all episodes will be listed separately)
* multi-angle video (each angles will be listed separately). If this type of video is found, you will have access to a preview module displaying only the difference between the angles to select the good one.
* -other type of content will be added regarding last Blu-ray video we are testing (you can send a post if you find a Blu-ray poorly recognized, and we provide a fix ASAP)
-Once the structure is analyzed, you can select the video sequences, the audio track and the subtitle track you want to keep. For the subtitle feature, if you select DVD profile the subtitles will be encoded as DVD subtitle (and you will can show/hide them using remote control). If you choose a single file profile (like PS3, iPod, iPhone, XBOX 360-) the subtitles will be directly hard coded in video.
- The next step allows you to choose the output profile, the maximum target size of the output file(s), the DVD menu template (if DVD profile is selected)- and more. A visual helper display the final video quality regarding total video size to convert, the maximum target size and the selected profile to help the user to found the good settings.
- The project can be automatically be burnt after the conversion by checking the option -Burn final result after successful rip- (this option can be changed while converting too)
- While the encoding process is working you can ask to shut down or hibernate your computer at process end.

Spotmau Power Suite Golden Edition Portable

Spotmau Power Suite Golden Edition Portable | 515 Mb

Spotmau PowerSuite Golden Edition contains all the functions both of PowerSuite 2011 and BootSuite 2011. Whether you want to optimize your computer in Windows or you want to repair your Windows with bootable CD or USB. Spotmau PowerSuite Golden Edition is your best choice.

Boot Up Any Computer
 Boot up ANY desktop or laptop.
 Support booting from CD/DVD drive and USB drive.
 Microsoft authorized WinPE technology.
 100% compatible with all computer brands.
RAPIDLY Rescue Crashed Computer or Hard Drive
 Boot up computer even if it is infected with virus.
 Fast recovery from crashes such as bluescreen and blackscreen.
 Fix booting problems and random crash.
 Fix missing file crash such as "ntldr is missing", "bootmgr is missing" etc.
 Repair partition table.
 Repair corrupt registry.
 Repair registry key value infected by virus.
 1-click system file recovery.
 Repair crashed MBR even it is infected with virus.
 Rescue Windows 98/ME/2K/HOME/2003/XP/NT/Vista/7.
Super Data Rescue Package
 Recover data from crashed or damaged hard drive.
 Recover files from accidentally formatted hard drive.
 Recover deleted or deep deleted files.
 Rescue all file format such as photos, music, document etc.
 Rescue data from various storage devices including hard disk, USB drive, ZIP, removable SmartMedia, MemoryStick, SD cards, camera memory card etc..
Clone Entire Hard Drive or Partition
 Totally copy entire hard drive to a new one.
 Support all Windows versions.
 Support IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB, FireWire, and more.
 You can clone to an internal disk and external disk.
 Clone entire hard drive or partition.
 The cloned hard disk will be bootable!
Backup and Restore Files and System
 Backup file, folder, partition or entire hard drive.
 Backup to various storage devices such as USB, internal hard drive, CD, DVD, ZIP, FireWire, etc.
 Backup automatically at the time you pre-scheduled.
 Support advanced incremental backup modes.
 Restore at any moment.
Partition, Format and Clean up Your Hard Drive
 Create / Delete / Activate partitions.
 Split / Merge / Resize partitions without losing data.
 Create / Convert primary partition and logical partition.
 Convert FAT16 / FAT32 / NTFS partitions.
 Quick Format / Resize / Hide partitions.
 Rebuild the lost partition table.
 Backup or Restore partition.
 Recover MBR (Master Boot Record).
 View any sectors.
 Surface scan to check for bad sectors.
 Deep clean entire hard drive or partition in one click.
1-Click 360 PC Health Check
Scan all aspects of your PC including hardware, software, system performance, system conflicts, Windows hidden errors, registry defects, privacy leaks, security backdoors and Even more.
Diagnose and Fix Registry Errors and System Errors
 Scan and fix registry redundancy and errors.
 Scan and fix plugin affected with Internet Explorer.
 Scan and fix potential security backdoors.
Optimize, Clean & Speed Up Your System
 Speed up Window start up time.
 Clean up system redundant and obsolete trash files.
 Troubleshoot hidden running programs and free up system resource.
 Deep clean pop-up, toolbar, unwanted stubborn programs, ghost programs.
Clean Up or Hide Your Private Stuff On Your PC
 Clean up all personal activity tracks on your computer.
 Encrypt sensitive files with password.
 Permanently shred unwanted sensitive files.
Build "Personal Safe" for Sensitive Data
 Create "Personal Safe" to store your sensitive data.
 Protected with password.
 Encrypted with unbreakable defense technology.
 "Personal Safe" is even invisible to others except you.
Find / Reset Password & Key
 Reset Windows Administrator/User password.
 Find Windows Live ID (MSN / MSN Mail / Hotmail / Windows Live Mail/Office Live / Xbox LIVE) Password.
 Find Yahoo! Mail / Yahoo! Messenger Password.
 Find Gmail / Google Talk Password.
 Find Microsoft Outlook (All version) Password.
 Find IE Auto complete password and Network connection password.
 Find Windows CD key and MS Office product key. Even for crashed Windows.
Wipe Entire Hard Drive or Partition
 When you want to reinstall Windows, deep wiping can give you a fresh start.
 When your computer is affected with boot sector virus, deep wiping can kill the virus.
 When you want to clean an old hard drive, deep wiping can speed up hard drive.
 When you want to donate your computer, deep wiping can prevent your data and files from recovering by data recovery software. (We highly recommend you wiping your hard drive before donating!!!)
Spotmau Secretary
 With desktop memo, you wont miss anything any more...
 Digital clock and Calendar.
 Bosskey - one click to hide your chat or IE when your boss comes around.
 One click to clean up all IE history.
 Automatically change Wallpaper/skin.

Nero Burning ROM 11.0.10400 FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD + Keys

Nero Burning ROM 11.0.10400 + Key - by [ThumperDC] | 116 MB
Having the award-winning Nero Burning ROM application is used for burning and copying a CD, DVD and Blu-ray with the highest quality and advanced security features.
Burn the disc longevity - Exclusive burn using Nero SecurDisc 3.0 provides a readable disks, even if they scratch their physical aging and deterioration.
Record to multiple drives - With Nero DiscSpan can be divided into large files and burn them on several disks.
Copying audio CDs - Easily create playlists or collections of their favorite songs directly on your computer.
Check the disc surface - With the power of SecurDisc, such as checking the disk surface, you can not just burn discs, but also to ensure the reliability of this record.
Copying discs - Copy music easily on the CD, as well as HD-movies on disc Blu-ray.
Special / minimum requirements for use LightScribe and Labelflash:
LightScribe-compatible recorder and media.
Software installed on your computer to use LightScribe.
Labelflash ™-compatible recorder and media.
Printing Media to burn data:
Supported disc formats:
DVD with data (ISO, UDF, ISO / UDF)
Blu-ray data (ISO, UDF)
Disc SecurDisc CD / DVD / Blu-ray
Nero DiscSpan (UDF) Audio CD
Mixed-mode CD
The image of Nero (NRG)
The image of the CUE (import only)
ISO image
AVCHD ™ video
Video BDMV
Supported formats and codecs:
Stream AAC - not to copy
The file format for sharing audio (AIFF, AIF)
CD Digital Audio (CDA) - not to encode
Dolby ® Digital (AC3)
Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 (MP3 / mp3PRO)
MPEG-4 Audio (MP4)
OGG Vorbis (OGG, OGM)
Windows Media ™ Audio (WMA)
Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Supported video formats and codecs:
Advanced Streaming Format (ASF)
Audio Video Interleave (AVI)
Digital Video (DV)
Moving Picture Experts Group-2 (MPG, MPEG, DAT, M2T)
Nero AAC (MP4)
QuickTime ® Movie (MOV)
DVD Video Object (VOB)
Supported image formats:
Bitmap (BMP)
Device-independent bitmap (DIB)
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
Icon Image File (ICO)
JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF)
Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG, JPG, JPE)
Picture Exchange (PCX)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Portable Pixel Map (PPM)
Targa Image File (TGA)
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF, TIF)
Windows Metafile Format (WMF)
Supported formats for playlists:
Uniform Resource Locator Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3/MP3 URL (M3U)
Uniform Resource Locator Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3/MP3 URL + UTF-8 (M3U8)
File format playlists (PLS)
OS: Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Language: Multi (Russian)
Released: 2011
Installation Notes:
2.install setup
3.use serial key
Serial Key Nero Burning ROM v11.0.10400

Serial Key: 
  • 9004-027E-UM18-71C6-57TK-P034-UU8X-0U4A
DTS Plug-In:
  • 1K00-4166-99X9-2A6K-33E1-6M0A-8E0C
  • 5K00-5078-01K5-5130-A82C-1915-86C4
  • 4K00-58AA-99X3-2423-C74M-9719-927C
  • 4K00-49M5-938A-204A-619M-EK5E-4996
mp3PRO Plug-In:
  • KC00-9039-1983-284A-2A45-6MA6-EKMX
  • KC00-20K3-997A-2A6M-1MK2-889X-K9C7
  • EC00-M0X4-1878-2X78-KCC4-6EE0-6XC7
  • EC00-30C6-18XA-2XX0-C9CC-C743-MXMC

ESET NOD32 Antivirus v5.0.95.0 Final (x86/x64) Incl Keys Free

ESET NOD32 Antivirus Final (x86/x64) Incl Keys | 62/66 MB
You didn't buy your computer to run antivirus. That's why ESET NOD32 Antivirus gives you fast, effective and easy-to-use security without getting in your way. Smart proactive detection blocks most known and growing threats hours or days quicker than other antivirus technologies.
Fast, light and unobtrusive software shields your Internet experience without annoying system slowdowns. ESET NOD32 Antivirus offers the world's fastest and most effective|best} proactive antivirus and antispyware security for your home.
Here are some key highlights of "ESET NOD32 Antivirus":
Smarter Scanner:
- Threats don't usually enter your network in techniques you expect. ESET NOD32 Antivirus inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S and intelligently scans compressed files to find hidden threats other products miss. Proactive security starts at the earliest aim in system business to ensure your computer is usually secure.

Clean and Safe Email:
- Email scanning for Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, and other POP3/IMAP send customers, ensuring your email is free of viruses and other threats.
Removable Media Security:
- Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as|like|including} USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET NOD32 Antivirus scans autorun.inf and associated files when the medium is inserted, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is utilized, or during a full-scan of the media. Energy users can change ESET NOD32 Antivirus to perform more levels of scanning on removable media.
System Tools:
- ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosing and cleaning of afflicted systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an afflicted computer.
Self Defense:
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus has built-in technology to prevent harmful software from corrupting or disabling it, thus you can|to} be confident your system is usually protected.
Many Usability Improvements:
- Energy-sipping battery mode extends laptop battery life without limiting protection
- Advanced Security Status screen informs you of danger detections
- Information pop-ups are hidden when running full screen applications like games, video players or presentations
- Password security prevents ESET NOD32 Antivirus from being uninstalled by strangers
- New interface and keyboard shortcuts simplify use for visually impaired users
- Memory: 44 MB
- Drive Space (Download): 28 MB
- Drive Space (Installation): 35 MB
What's New in This Release:
- Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) shields your system from malware and unwanted activity trying to negatively affect your computer. HIPS uses advanced behavioral analysis coupled with the detection abilities of network filtering to monitor running processes, files and registry keys, actively blocking and preventing such attempts.
Join ESET Live Grid network:
- Built on advanced early warning system, ESET Live Grid is designed to supply more levels of protection to your computer. It constantly monitors your system-s running programs and processes up against the newest intelligence collected from countless ESET users worldwide. Also, your system scans are processed quicker and more precisely as the ESET Live Grid database grows over time. This allows us to provide greater proactive security and speed of scanning to all our users. We suggest that you activate this feature and we thank you for your support.

Platinum HideIP

Platinum HideIP | 8.28 MB
Use Platinum Hide IP to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet, and much more.
Surf Anonymously with Platinum Hide IP
Get Platinum Online Privacy Protection. With Platinum Hide IP, you can surf anonymously, send anonymous emails through any web based mail system, access blocked websites or forums, get protected from any website that wants to monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address, etc. Your identity is secure, protected, and anonymized.
What's more, Platinum Hide IP allows you to select your IP location such as United States, United kingdom, France, etc. from the Choose IP Country window.
Platinum Hide IP works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks and any other kind of Internet.
Why Hide My IP
When connecting to the Internet, the computer (or network router) is assigned a public IP address. As you visit websites, that IP address is transmitted and recorded in log files kept on those servers. Access logs leave behind a trail of your Internet activity. It is quite necessary to hide your real IP address, if you do not want to be traced by others.

How to Hide My IP
With one button click, Platinum Hide IP enables you to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet, and much more.
Key Features
* Anonymize Your Web Surfing
Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others.
* Protect Your Identity
Anonymous web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer safe from hacker attacks or other risks.
* Choose IP Country and Check IP
Proxy lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP address directly.
* Send Anonymous Emails
Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
* Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites
Change your IP address and then you can get yourself unbanned from any forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you.
* Operating Systems
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Install Notes
1. Install the program and do not run.
2. Copy the crack "PlatinumHideIP.exe" to prog dir,i.e."C:\Program Files\PlatinumHideIP\" , and replace the original.
3. DONE!

K-Lite Codec Pack 8.00 (Mega/Full)

K-Lite Codec Pack 8.00 (Mega/Full) | 36.47 MB
The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.
The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:
It is updated frequently. So it is always up-to-date with the newest and/or best components.
All components have been carefully selected for specific purposes. It is not just a random bunch of stuff thrown together.
It is very user-friendly and easy to use.
The installation is fully customizable, meaning that you are able to install just those components that you really want.
The customization abilities even go beyond the component level. Some components are able to handle multiple formats. You can specify exactly which components should handle which formats. The pack can thus be fully tweaked to your own specific needs and preferences.
Uninstallation removes everything that was installed by the pack. Including all registry keys.
It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation with the integrated wizard.
It does not contain any bad, buggy or unstable codecs.
Change Log
* Updated ffdshow to version 1.1.4070
* Updated LAV Filters to version 0.40 build 2011-11-21
* Updated MediaInfo Lite to version 0.7.51
* Removed CoreVorbis
* Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.1.0

 K-Lite Codec Pack 8.00 (Mega/Full) | 36.47 MB

Okdo All to Image Converter Professional 4.4

Okdo All to Image Converter Professional 4.4 | 7.18 MB
Okdo All to Image Converter Professional is a powerful but easy-to-use file to image converter. Own the most powerful conversion function. you can batch convert any document, PDF, image, website etc to image with ease. The program can convert with high output quality and very fast speed. It supports various formats as doc, docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, txt, rtf, pdf, htm, html, url, jpeg, jpg, png, emf, wmf, bmp, pcx, jp2, j2k, gif, tiff, rle, tga, ico etc very easily.
Advanced Features:
- It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support.
- Simultaneously convert massive different format files to one certain format once to save time.
- Support the encrypted PDF.
- Separately convert each page of PDF/Tiff/Gif to one image.
- Use AdobeReader to convert PDF to image.
- Convert all pages of PDF to one image.
- Convert Pdf to Image with retaining the original text, image, graphics, formatting of PDF.
- Set the framework size of the loaded htm, html,website.
- Use pagination to output Word/RTF original content.
- Support merge multiple sheets of Excel to convert.
- Adjust the output image quality.
- Set the image watermark.
- Set the output image page size.
- Convert PowerPoint to one gif animation.
- Convert one multipage Pdf/PowerPoint/Word to one multipage tiff.
- Convert one multipage Gif to one multipage tiff.
- Convert one multipage Tiff to one multipage Gif.
- Convert Txt to one multipage tiff.
- Support merge the converted images to one gif, tiff.
- Set the gif delay interval.
- Set gif play times.
- Set gif transparent color.
- Set the output Ico size.
- User-defined Ico transparent color.
- Set color depth as default color,gray,16 color(4 bits),256 color(8 bits),true color(24 bits or 32 bits).
- Automatically extract the url address to convert from the input character strings.
- You can add the whole folder to convert.
- You can set to open the output folder when conversion finished.
- More...
Key Features:
- User-friendly interface.
- Support add the entire folder to convert.
- Convert PDF to Jpg,Tiff, Gif, icon, pcx and so on with accurately preserving the original Text, Tables, Graphics & Layout.
- Save List: Save the converted files to a list
- Load List: Load the saved list files directly to convert.
- Precise control the output quality with user-defined parameters settings.
- Support convert Docx,Docm,Xlsx,Xlsm,Pptx,Pptm of Office 2007/2010.
- Support Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (x64)/Windows 7 platforms.

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro v13.05 Free

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 13.05 | 6 MB
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Professional - a system with nogoyazychnym interface for {working with|using} MP3 files from the category of "all-in-one." It includes: editor of MP3-tags of ID3v1 and ID3v2, Mp3-organizer, manager, play-lists, synchronization tags, copying ID3v1 to ID3v2 and vice versa, export tags to HTML, generating reports, so the user look the archive, rename, etc. .
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one Mp3 application that contains Mp3 ID3 Tag Organizer for looking and cataloguing Mp3 files into Mp3 library, editing ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags (ID3 Tag Editor-Mp3 Tag Editor), CD Ripper with album cover art / lyric help that uses CDDB (Internet Compact Disk Database) and automatically writes ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags. CD Ripper downloads album cover arts and lyrics from the interenet as you rip your CD (CD Ripper with lyric / cover art support), Mp3 Normalizer with custom amount level allows normalization of your Mp3's (Batch Mp3 Normalizer), {look for|look for} song lyric online (Batch Lyric Finder), {look for|look for} album cover (album) arts (pictures) online (Batch Cover Finder), batch lyrics and cover art finder online (Batch Lyric-Cover Finder). Create lyric book in html format (cover pictures are included) from ID3v2 tags (Lyric Book), convert Wav to Mp3 files and Mp3 to Wav files (Wav/Mp3 Converter), manage M3u playlists (Playlist Manager), rename files using ID3 tags (Mp3 Renamer), {look for|look for} duplicate Mp3 files, (Search Duplicate Mp3's). Play Mp3's using your favorite Mp3 player, add karaoke (Kar) and midi (Mid) files directly to ID3 tag (Karaoke Manager), and keep them together in Mp3 file and play either Mp3 or Kar file from the single Mp3 file.
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio gives you:
- Mp3 Organizer and Mp3 Manager for iPod
- Mp3 Tagger and MP3 Manager and iPod Manager
- iPod Mp3 file transfer back to your PC and to Zortam Mp3 library
- Play, normalize and burn Mp3's directly from your iPod
- Zortam Mp3 Player with cover arts nad lyrics help
- Form Mp3 music and edit tags in your audio library with a powerful interface
- Load 50 000 Mp3's and more with the speed of light
- ID3 Tag Editor (Mp3 Tagger) with seperate views for ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 Tags
- Download song lyric and download cover arts (Album covers) from the Zortam Music Interent Database using batch processing - iPod and iTunes ready
- Autotag your music collection using the Zortam Music Interent Database
- Normalize your Mp3's with Volume Normalizer and set custom amount in dB
- Tear your CD with CD Ripper and tag your songs in a single single step with cover arts (artworks) and lyrics
- Batch Wav to Mp3 converter and vice versa
- Burn Sound or Mp3 CD
- Print HTML Lyrics book width cover arts
- Powerful drag & drop playlist manager
- Write ID3 Tags from filename
- Delete ID3 Tags, delete cover arts, delete lyrics (ID3 Tag Remover)
- {Search for|Look for} duplicate Mp3's
- Batch file rename using information from ID3 tags (Mp3 Renamer)
- Write ID3 tags using information from filename
- Add karaoke and midi files directly to ID3 tags
- All options are supporting batch processing
- Use mp3 tag lookup using Zortam Music Interent Database for auto tagging
- Automatically add lyrics and cover arts to your iPod
- Plus match more ...
Released: 2011
Version: 13.05
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: English
Medician: keygen-tsrh

CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner v4.42 Free

CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner 4.42 | 3.4 MB
CleanMyPC Registry Solution - runs the pc of Panels functioning systems to find and take out poor or shattered connexion and tips. This treatment helps you uphold the of starting at a superior size in order to stay away unanticipated downfalls in PC. Trucking industry choice to clone the register, so as that you're able to almost always untie those differences and for you to a smart configuration. Also, the feature aids you to commonly deal the systems and BHO (Browser Aiding to Object), may repeatedly soaked at startup of Monitors and Net Explorer.
CleanMyPC - Registry Answer runs the Screens pc and realizes imprecise or dated manual in the register. By repair these outdated expertise in Windows pc, the human body do manage more rapid and make a mistake no-cost. The substitute / regenerate intent of each product allows you to duplicate your entire Your Computer Windows Registry a li you can depend on it to restore the register for this rank as soon as you endure some program problems. Besides above, the startup and BHO manager contain help you run your inauguration and For Example BHO items with ease, as well as limit the courses underway with Windows and Web Browser more handy using this trait! Concisely, CleanMyPC - Computer Better allow you to get free of those bloat in Screens register and earn a vacuum, more quickly setup.
- Automatic Registry Scanning and Cleanup
- Backup and Restore the full Registry
- Registry Defrag and Registry Compact
- Tracks Eraser feature for privacy protection
- Startup Organizer
- IE BHO Organizer
- Improve system performance
- Remove Trojan which utilize startup items and IE BHO
- Automatic scanning and cleaning your registry
- Backup and restore the registry in full
- Defragmenting and compressing the registry
- The clean traces for confidentiality
- Startup Manager
- Improve system performance
- Easy and intuitive user interface
- And much more ...
Released: 2011
Version: 4.42
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: English
Medician: keygen NOY

Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional v5.04 build 547 Free

Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional v5.04 build 547 | 22.9 MB
Advanced Office Password Recovery - lets you recover passwords or to bypass the password security of files and documents created in Microsoft Office family of products for all versions. Currently supported versions from 2.0 to 2010 inclusive. The system supports documents created by Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Project, Money, PowerPoint, Visio, Publisher, and OneNote. Besides the above, the system allows access to the source code VBA macros, password protected.
Forgetting a password to your personal email folder or perhaps a family budget can be annoying. Halting the work because of the lost password causes immediate monetary loss. Get control over your own documents even if they are protected with a password! Advanced Office Password Recovery recovers, replaces, eliminates or circumvents immediately passwords safeguarding or locking documents created with Microsoft Office applications.
Advanced Office Password Recovery unlocks documents created with all versions of Microsoft Office from the ancient 2.0 to the contemporary 2010. Recover passwords for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Project, Money, PowerPoint, Visio, Publisher and OneNote. Reset MS Internet Explorer Content Advisor passwords and open any password-protected VBA project by exploiting a backdoor.
Features and Benefits
- Supports all versions of Microsoft Office applications from 2.0 to 2010
- Instant password recovery for multiple products
- Instantly unlocks documents with previously recovered passwords
- Exploits all known backdoors and tricks in the Office family for instant recovery
- Completely automatic preliminary attack will recover documents in less than 10 minutes
- Dictionary and brute-force attacks with user-defined masks and advanced templates
- Hardware acceleration (patent pending) reduces password recovery time by a factor of 50
- Patent-pending GPU acceleration technology with NVIDIA or ATI video cards
- Allows as much as 32 CPUs or CPU cores and as much as 8 GPUs
- Very optimized low-level code for optimum performance
Features Advanced Office Password Recovery
- Supports all Microsoft Office versions from 2.0 to 2010
- Instant recovery of passwords of individual
- Change the password for the user-specified
- Instant treatment of security from documents that have ever been chosen passwords
- Use of all vulnerabilities discovered the Microsoft Office products to restore access to documents
- Pre-attack with a set of typical parameters for the renovation of strong passwords
- Support for dictionary attacks and brute force password using the template masks
- Hardware acceleration (patent pending) reduces the brute force of 50 times
- Technology hardware acceleration using the NVIDIA or ATI video cards
- Supports as much as 32 simultaneous CPUs or cores and as much as 8 GPUs
- Code optimization for contemporary processors maximizes in-class products speed the brute force
Instant recovery of access to secure documents
Quite often, Advanced Office Password Recovery can restore access to secure documents in the same second. For example, older versions of Microsoft Office using a extremely simple|simple|easy} encryption program, which allows us to calculate the password. Also, in some versions of Office use the algorithms with limited key size
In addition to these applications, with Advanced Office Password Recovery can restore instant access to documents protected by different versions of product family Microsoft Office. In particular, it supports the capability to recover stored passwords utilized for authentication via Microsoft Passport (LiveID).
Microsoft has greatly enhanced password safety in Office 2007 and further improved it in Office 2010. 1 can securely state that the password recovery system that utilizes only the CPU can no longer deal with|deal with} its tasks in files created with latest versions of programs from a set of Microsoft Office. At the sorting of passwords in these files take too long.
To speed up the process of brute force Elcomsoft has added support for multiple video cards AOPR and the simultaneous use of all imeschihsya in the central and images processors. You can leave all or some of the core CPU and GPU to brute force solution that will ensure maximum productivity sorting in the background. Hardware acceleration technology ElcomSoft support an arbitrarily large amount of images cards from ATI or NVIDIA, these as|like|including} the NVIDIA GeForce 8, 9, 100, 220 and 400 - or ATI RADEON 4800 series and 5000.
If the document is protected by strong passwords, decrypt it will take a long time. For your convenience, the system offers pre-attack, which automatically goes through all the typical passwords, and utilizes a dictionary attack. It also involves searching passwords that were ever recovered for different documents.
Listing of the mask
If there is more information about the password (known password size in characters, or any part of the password, or have any information about the utilization or lack of certain characters in the password characters), the rate of recovery can be greatly increased by sorting on a given mask.
Dictionary Attack
According to statistics, a significant part of the password utilized to shield Office documents, contains 1 or even more words from the dictionary. The way of|way of } password guessing and dictionary lets you dozens of times to lessen the time required to recover your password. Advanced Office Password Recovery supports dictionary attack, picking passwords consisting of words and their combinations in different registers and in many languages. Supports the capability to connect more dictionaries.
A brute force look
In the case of a complete deficiency of information about the password by trying all potential variants of a certain size of a password to restore access to the document. At Advanced Office Password Recovery utilizes the latest techniques of low-level code optimization for contemporary processors, allowing to achieve high performance iterate over competing products.
Released: 2011
Version: v5.04 build 547
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Multilingual (english, deutsch, Russian)
Medician: key iOTA

Animated Wallpaper Maker 3.0.1

Animated Wallpaper Maker 3.0.1 | 9.3 MB
Breathe new life into your desktop! Animated Wallpaper Maker will help you turn your static photos into animated pictures and set them as your desktop background. You can animate any photo you have. Really! You don-t need expensive, complicated software anymore. You can create your own animated wallpaper in just a few mouse clicks. Load a picture, adjust animation parameters, and place the result on your desktop.
Animated Wallpaper Maker is all-in-one solution for customizing your desktop background with amazing animations effects. It contains an editor that allows you to add animation to standard windows wallpaper (supporting all common image formats) and a built-in player replaces the static windows background with an animated one. The wallpaper animation requires minimum system resources and can be disabled/enabled at will.
* Free to try. Just download and install our trial version. No fee, no registration needed. Evaluate animated wallpapers on your desktop right now!
* Realistic live animation effects. Animated Wallpaper Maker uses up-to-date computer graphic effects for the best picture quality.
* Low resource requirements. Our software was designed to work jointly with office and home software without slowing it down.
* Wallpaper slideshow mode. Animated Wallpaper Maker can operate as wallpaper changer with a smooth fade in/fade out effect.
* Windows Vista/XP support. Animated wallpapers work correctly in both versions of Windows: XP and Vista.
* Instant support.. All registered users are provided with priority technical support. Feel free to contact us with any software-related questions.
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English

TeamViewer 7.0.12142 Final Only Best Post On My Blog

TeamViewer 7.0.12142 Final |4.77 MB
TeamViewer Manager - the program allows you to access your computer from anywhere on the Internet (IP-address of the remote machine can not know, but on the second computer also must have this same program). In addition to desktop access and control a remote computer through TeamViewer Manager can transfer files, make presentations, to help set up your computer, chat, etc.
- One solution for all situations
While most competitors offer different packages for remote support, remote administration, training and sales (demand and pay for them ...), TeamViewer is a universal solution for all situations: TeamViewer collected all the modules in one simple and truly affordable package .
- Administration of servers to a remote service
TeamViewer can also be used to manage computers and servers to a remote service. Installation as a system service allow you to reboot and reconnect.
- File transfer
In the TeamViewer has built-in file transfer that allows you to copy files and folders from your partner and to him - and this feature is also working through a firewall
- The highest standard of safety
TeamViewer - very secure solution. All versions use a completely secure data channels with key exchange and encryption session AES (256 bit), the same standard of security protocols using https / SSL.
Displays the status of online
You - and the team members are in different places? Need to demonstrate your desk or work together on a document? In the TeamViewer partner, you can see who is currently available, and connect to it with one click.
- Remote support without installation
With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC via the Internet from anywhere. No installation required, just run the application on both sides and connect - even through firewalls.
- Removed display of products, services and developments
TeamViewer allows you to show your partner your desktop. Open online access to demos, products and presentations in seconds.
- Work through firewalls
The main difficulty in using the software for remote access - it's firewalls and blocked ports, as well as NAT-routing local IP-addresses.
If you use TeamViewer, you do not need to worry about firewalls: TeamViewer will find a path to your partner.
- Access via browser
You are on the road, and you need to work with the remote computer? Why not use TeamViewer Web Connector? Created using only html and flash-technology, this solution can be run from virtually any browser on any operating system.
- Very competitive price, available free versions
TeamViewer offers a lot more for a low price. TeamViewer is even offering a free version for noncommercial use.
Optimized performance
No matter you are connected via LAN or modem, - TeamViewer optimizes the display quality and speed of data transfer depending on the type of network connection.
Year: 2011
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Ml

Process Hacker 2.25

Process Hacker 2.25 | 1.67MB
Process Hacker is a feature-packed tool for manipulating processes and services on your computer. It can show you the threads (with symbols), modules, memory regions, handles and token of processes.
 It has detailed graphs that show CPU usage, memory usage and I/O activity. It can even change the DEP status of some processes and protect/unprotect them! It can read/write memory using a built-in hex editor and search through memory. It has a powerful run-as tool that can run programs as almost any user, including System, Local Service and Network Service. Finally, its kernel-mode driver enables Process Hacker to show information for any process, even if it is protected by a rootkit.
Changes in 2.25:
New and Improved:
Improved CPU frequency calculation
Updated ExtendedTools plugin:
Added GPU node selection
Fixed incorrect GPU usage calculation
Graph tooltip position with large cursors
Fixed .NET process detection
Fixed incorrect values in Bits column

CCleaner 3.13.1600

CCleaner 3.13.1600 | 3.39 MB
CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space.
 It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!
Changes in 3.13.1600:
Added IE add-on manager.
Added Firefox Jumplist Cache cleaning.
Improved Firefox and Thunderbird cache cleaning.
Improved Google Chrome Internet History cleaning for typed URLs.
Improved Google Chrome Canary Saved Form Information cleaning.
Improved Google Chrome Canary Saved Passwords cleaning.
Improved Recycle Bin cleaning with symbolic links.
Improved item exclusion feedback in Registry screen.
Improved keyboard usability on Intelligent Cookie scan dialog.
Added support for custom Thunderbird installation.
e.g. CustomLocation1=THUNDERBIRD|C:\Portable\Thunderbird\Data\profile
Added cleaning for Corel PaintShop Pro X4, Nero Video 11 and Nero Vision 10.
Improved cleaning for WinRAR, LogMeIn, Office 2003, 2007 and 2010.
Added Indonesian translation.

Winstep Xtreme 11.10 Multilingual

Winstep Xtreme 11.10  Multilingual  | 36 MB
Among Windows 7s features, the taskbar overhaul is probably the feature in Microsofts upcoming OS that has aroused the most interest. Well, you wont have to wait for Windows 7 anymore - Winstep Xtreme has just been released, and brings with it the most interesting and useful features of the new Windows 7 "Superbar" into the XP and Vista world! Winstep Xtreme is a superb collection of utilities and desktop enhancements that will change the way you work with Windows forever! Want your computer to look like NeXT, KDE, a Mac or something from a William Gibson novel? Then download Winstep Xtreme and expand your horizons! Winstep Xtreme features the following applications...
An incredibly powerful replacement for the Windows Start Menu, System tray and Taskbar. It is, of course, fully skinnable, with a wide range of themes supplied with the package and many hundreds more available online. NextSTART is also far more than just a pretty face - offering fully configurable menus that can float anywhere on the desktop and which may be called up with a simple mouse button press, a hotkey combination or simply by bumping the edge of the screen with the mouse pointer. NextSTART also offers built-in file browsing and task management, supports full drag-and drop both to and from the menus and includes many other amazing features - including full theme integration with other Winstep Xtreme applications.
A skinnable multi-page tabbed desktop replacement, quick program launcher and document organization tool. Can be used as a simple dock positioned anywhere on your screen, or can alternatively be resized to almost full screen size - offering a quick and efficient way of launching applications, accessing recent documents, managing your internet connections and much more!
A multi-level dock system, NeXuS sits front and center, providing super fast access to your most frequently used applications. Flexible options allow it to dock or float anywhere on the screen, providing a myriad number of "On Demand" possibilities. From its generous use of situational context sensitive menus to its advanced Drag-n-Drop support, NeXuS is not only easy to use - its a joy!
Winstep Xtreme features useful "Modules" such as a Talking Digital/Analog Clock that synchronizes your time with time servers on the internet, a Recycler, a CPU Meter, an Email Checker, a Weather Module, a Net and RAM Meters, a fortune cookie reader and more forthcoming... Modules can be displayed in-shelf among other objects, inside NeXuS docks, in the NextSTART Startbar or as free-form/free floating objects on your desktop!
Winstep Start Menu Organizer Pro:
The Winstep Start Menu Organizer is an application designed to help you organize and clean your Windows Start Menu. Over time, as more and more applications get installed, the Start Menu can get so cluttered that you end up spending a lot of time simply trying to find the program you want to run. This is where the Winstep Start Menu Organizer comes in: it allows you to quickly group your Start Menu shortcuts into a specific set of categories (e.g. Utilities, Internet, Office, etc...) thus making finding what you are looking for a lot easier and much, much, faster!
Have you ever needed to preview a range of fonts at various point sizes? FontBrowser is the simplest method - inspired by the font panel from the NeXTSTEP OS, FontBrowser is one of those utilities that will make you wonder how you ever managed without it!
NextSTART, WorkShelf and NeXuS are far more than just three related applications - they are designed to integrate seamlessly with one another - change the theme in one application and the other applications will automatically change to match. Likewise WorkShelf and NeXuS can use the current NextSTART theme to skin their context menus. NextSTART menus can also be launched from docks or from the shelf. In addition, a vast number of superb themes are available online in this archive sites.
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : Multilingual