If you're looking for drawing software then Photo & Graphic is a perfect solution for everything from cartoons and logos to astonishingly detailed illustrations. If you're working with photos then it will match your ambitions from simple one click auto-enhance of your photo through to awesome photo compositions. What's more, it offers advanced text handling, including multi-column and multi-page support, automatic text flow around objects; spell check, support for indents, bullet lists and more. In other words it's perfect for any design task that involves illustrations, photos and text such as brochures, posters and adverts. And if you are looking for software for creating web graphics then it can help you produce all the graphics you'll need for your site, from perfect buttons to eye catching Flash animations. Whatever graphics you need and whatever your skill level, the famously friendly user interface and fast processing of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer will make it an absolute pleasure to be creative.
Productivity & Interface Benefits
- Speed
- Direct Action Tools
- Easy Drag & Drop
- Solid Object Editing
- Infinite Undo / Redo
- Zoom to 25,000%
- Top Quality Screen Display
- All The Creative Tools You Need
- Text & Page Layout
- Drawing Tools
- 3D Extrude
- Blends
- Transparency & Feathering
- Live Effects
- Shadows, Bevels & Contours
- Revolutionary Photo Handling
- Fast, non-destructive photo handling
- Integrated Photo Tool
- Magic Photo Erase tools
- Photo Panoramas
- Intelligent Scaling
- Bitmap Tracer
- Adobe Photoshop® Plug-ins
- Designer Pro & The Web
- HTML Website Creation
- Animated Flash Export
- Total Design Freedom
- Clever Stuff
- Web Widgets
- Compatibility
- Presentations & Webinars
- Compatibility With Industry Standards
hank you for all of your efforts. This post proved to be beneficial for me.
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